Full Time
Feb 28, 2025
We are Real Estate Acquisition and Property Management firm located in the upstate NY, United States. We are looking for a fluent english speaking virtual assistant to work Monday through Friday from 9 AM through 7PM Eastern Standard Time with breaks. Occasional Saturday work will be required if we have a vacant house. The ideal candidate will posses the following skills:
1 - Excellent/Fluent spoken English.
2 - Excellent/Fluent written English.
3 - Absolute integrity to be at work on time.
4 - Commitment to stay on task and seek out new tasks to help you and the company.
5 - Ability to organize tasks in order of importance.
6 - Require little to no supervision once trained and accountable for performance.
7 - High attention to detail to process and categorize financial transactions.
8 - At least 1 year of phone/call center experience with inbound and/or outbound calls.
9-priority will be given to potential applicants with prior experience in property management, tenant placement and prior experience with Buildium software.
You job will be to handle all of the following tasks
1 - Inbound calls/texts from prospective renters
2 - Inbound calls/texts from existing renters regarding maintenance calls and other issues
3 - Outbound calls to maintenance contractors to schedule work
4 - Outbound calls to verify information on rental applications
5 - Outbound calls to generate new business.
6 - Download, analyze and categorize financial transaction inside property management software (Buildium)
7 - Download and assign tenant rent payments to the correct accounts inside property management software.
8 - Respond to online inquiries about available rental properties on popular Real Estate Sites (Zillow, Trulia etc).
Salary: We offer a Base starting Salary plus bonuses for work performance. We expect your total compensation to rise rapidly with your performance. We retain and compensate our employees VERY well.
Holidays: All US federal holidays and vacation provided.
To apply for this job please send the following information to me:
1 - A paragraph or more that you write (specifically in response to this job offer) to introduce yourself and explain why you are the ideal candidate for this job. You need to write this so i can evaluate your english writing skills.
2 - Record a video of yourself explaining why you are the best candidate for the job. Send me the link to the video or attach it directly to your
3 - Best way to communicate with your
4 - Your Desired Salary/Pay
5 - A Copy of your DISC profile results.
Applicants who submit acceptable responses will be scheduled for phone/video call interviews.
Make sure to include my name, Artur kadesh, in the written submission and specifically talk about THIS job so i know you are not just doing a copy paste for other applications.
Best Regards,
Artur Kadesh