Video Editor for Social Media and Digital Courses

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Full Time


$500-$1200/month depending type of employment




Dec 29, 2023


Looking for applicants that can follow these specific instructions outlined below, follow the style examples provided and start immediately. Looking to build a long term relationship with an editor I can trust with timelines, expectations and open communication. Lots of projects on the horizon and I am looking for serious applicants for those various projects that can meet these expectations provided below only. Please do not apply if it is not in your range or desired content style.

I am looking to start interviewing candidates right away. Looking for someone who follows direction well and is eager to get started.

In search of a full time (or close to) editor with quick turn around times. I have 3-5 minutes of raw footage that needs to be edited down to 20-90 second engaging short form videos for social media of varying lengths depending on topics of discussion.

As a realtor and social media coach, I help other agents create their content for social media. Each person I work with has a particular style in mind they’d like to duplicate. Editor must be able to mimic these certain styles of each agent I work with mostly similar to Hormozi interview style content with custom color branded captions that will differentiate per person. Each subject will have about 15-20 reels that need to be edited at a time and I will provide all the footage organized by each reel for you.

Ideally, would like at least 50% of those in one week/5 days. Total project including 20 completed reels in 10-14 days. If you need longer, especially in the beginning as we learn more about one another, please just stay in communication with me with progress updates.

I will provide 2-5 example pieces of content to give you reference to the overall style each agent is looking for. Most of these are pretty similar (see examples below) so could be templated for easy repeat use and should include stock video and imagery, overlays to make it more interested and engaging. Each reel will have a designated question I prompt the subject with and they will answer regarding their services that they offer (usually realtor specific). All content will be organized in a folder designated for each reel so its easy to navigate and work through. Each piece of content will have a topic so you have a clear understanding of the topic at hand readily available and can frame the video accordingly.

Most content pieces will be for real estate agents intended for social media use primarily. As I mentioned above, I looking for a relationship that we can build over time and continue to do more projects together. Longer form content is a plus as that is something I plan to incorporate more of in the coming months. Will be looking to create a digital course soon that will require longer form content editing but I will be starting with short form while we learn more about each others styles. I work with a lot of different agents but they all have request a similar style that I’ve outlined below and provided examples of.

Each piece of content should be framed with opening hook to capture attention in the first 3-5 seconds, value as the body of the content and call to action at the end. Each video is shot from two camera angles, interview style with the subject talking directly to camera and one with them slightly off to one side so you can have plenty of footage angles to work with and make this appear as visually engaging as possible.

Looking for someone with great communication skills that we can collaborate with comfortably. From a working relationship standpoint, I appreciate open communication whatever the circumstance, if you hit a roadblock or issue when editing, delays are understandable but the most important thing for me is that you let me know and keep me updated on your progress. Expectation is to respond via email within 24 (ideal)-48 (at the latest) hours. Weekly 30 minute-1 hr meetings to discuss the plan for the week is ideal. We’d likely meet to chat about the specific agent that we’re making 15-20 reels for so you get have a good understanding of what they’re looking for. It will not exceed anything I’ve outlined in this description.

I am open to your creative ideas and would love to see your creative input. I encourage and appreciate your creative insight as an editor and encourage you to lean into your own styles as well and your interpretations of the content.

Please follow the directions EXACTLY as instructed below:

Reply to this email with only 1-3 examples of your work that best suits these provided examples. Please do not provide me with a link to all of your work, I am looking for something specific that looks similar to these examples and do not need to see a bunch of other content outside this realm. Instead, just send me your best that matches these:

1. Really like this caption style and Like the way he incorporates stock footage in an engaging way that fits to what he’s talking about appropriately. Zooming in and out as he speaks, background changes in a way that feels 3d like he is popping off the screen
2. I think he does a nice job or incorporating stock footage relevant to his talking points
3. the way the stock footage compliments her topics with multiple camera angles to make it feel more engaging
4. This artistic style and custom graphics
5. The switching of camera angles and way they make this look more like a trailer to keep the audience intrigued is great

Please answer the following questions:

Are you available to chat sometime tomorrow 12/28- Monday 12/31. I am in California for reference on time zones.

Are you open to doing a test project first where I send you the 3-5 minute footage to produce one reel? I will provide an example to emulate.

How many hours a week are you looking to work?

Are you currently working on any other jobs that might change your availability?

Are you available for a weekly phone call for 30minutes? If so, what days/times are best? Its okay if this changes, just looking for one commitment a week to touch base.

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