Full Time
$750/month USD
Jan 31, 2025
What's up, all my video editing people! I'm looking for an experienced video editor who understands English well so they can watch videos and understand what and where edits need to happen. Also, someone who has years of experience gives them the knowledge to make awesome videos and can work on their own with little direction. Of course, we'll work closely at first so you can learn how I like videos to look. I'm also open to your expertise and feedback, because I don't know, what I don't know. I would also like some experience or willingness to learn some of the newer AI software like OpusClip that quickly adds captions and cuts into short-form videos for social media. I'm also looking for someone who is a good communicator. Someone who doesn't take days to reply, someone who asks questions if they get stuck so they don't stop working for days at a time.
I have a team of 40 people worldwide, and I've been in business for 12 years. My current company DeskTeam360 was founded in 2018. We will be working on my internal videos, but I would like to make this an offering to our clients as well so you'd have the opportunity for growth.
I like to have fun while I work, and I also have solid boundaries. We have set work hours each day and we do not work on the weekends or major holidays. A work-hard and play-hard attitude is important, so having paid vacation days is also important.
I'm looking for a long-term relationship. Most of my tea
So, if this sounds like you, then follow this link to fill out my application. Be sure to use the keyword "Tigers' Blood" in your first answer. Use the word any way you see fit; have fun with it.