Part Time
3000 PHP/week
Jul 22, 2024
We run a crypto news site that we're constantly optimising and improving. We're looking for someone who can dedicate 10 hours a week to the following tasks:
• Enhance existing keywords, add relevant keywords, and create high-value content with buyer intent.
• Edit existing AI-generated content to ensure it does not appear as AI-generated and improve user engagement and click-through rates.
•Identify existing pages that could improve ranking, optimise their content, and merge similar content pages.
•Analyse existing high-ranking content and create similar relevant content.
We currently use Koala and to generate AI content, but we are open to using other tools.
If you're interested, please provide domains/URLs of sites you have worked on and explain how you improved them. Ideally, include some screenshots to demonstrate the process. Applications without this information will be ignored.