Part Time
Jan 2, 2025
Looking for an Experienced Amazon Product Sourcer
Help me find profitable products in stores like Sam’s Club, Walmart etc…. Also Online Arbitrage profitable products for Amazon
Find Popular Name Brand Products
Products must be profitable
Only products that I’m ungated from
Find products that I can buy and sell right now on amazon
No products that has IP alerts
You must know how to tell if a product has a IP Alert
Know exactly how to Find these products and make sure it’s not to many people on the listing.
You must be able to identify if a product is more profitable with Amazon FBA and FBM
Find products that sells quick
This is part time for now
$4/hr for 2-3 hrs a day
3 days a week
When you apply please speak good English
Please show me if you have testimonials or show me that you’ve been able to source profitable products
When you are applying please add your WhatsApp’s info