2D math Motion Graphics via Skype, GMT-8

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600 PhP/HOUR




Feb 15, 2025


UPDATE Feb 14, 2025: Read Carefully! These Gig jobs are for highly efficient 2D MOTION GRAPHICS animators who can follow SPECIFIC instructions in real time on shared SKYPE screen using Adobe Upgrade to see actual info, usually 3-5 hours per session. We start with pre-recorded lessons where I give the instructions to students, then add pictures, arrows, colors, etc. to fit the timing of the audio, or I might tell you to split the audio track to allow 1-3 seconds of quiet time. You might add some graphics drawn in Adobe Illustrator or similar software. Be flexible in case we have technical difficulties. For example, if we do not have a Skype good connection for sound, we might use the Skype chat or email until sound is fixed.

WHEN: We might meet by Skype at these times, depending on your schedule:
___between 4:15pm-7:45pm (Pacific time, GMT-8) = 7:15am-11:45am Phil. time (or 1 hour later in winter) OR
___ between 10am-2:30pm Pacific time, which = 1:00am-5:30am in Philippines ( or 1 hour later in winter).

You will follow my instructions to make math curriculum videos that are carefully designed review lessons for teachers, who might use the same lessons to teach their students. Stay calm, because sometimes we need to change things as we go.

HOW TO APPLY (this is a test to see if you can read and follow instructions)

__DO NOT send me your resume, or links to previous work samples. I will hire the right animators even if they have no college degrees, as long as they can follow instructions and work quickly in AfterEffects. START with the work sample described below.

__FIRST watch the first video in this YouTube playlist (about 4 minutes) and see if your AfterEffects skills are ready to create similar 2D pictures and animations: "Easy Multiplication to 6x6 & 10x10: Animated arrows, example word problems, colorful pictures. [CC]"
Upgrade to see actual info You may watch the other 2 animated fraction videos if you want.

__NEXT, produce a 7-second video in 5-10 minutes using these instructions. Run a quick test with a friend to be sure your computer is powerful enough to use Adobe AfterEffects to make several quick edits to graphics and animations each minute, WHILE you are sharing your screen on Skype. Your computer should not crash as you follow your friend's directions to create and change the animations, and save your file often.
Your friend will play my part, giving instructions while you work in AfterEffects: Make a rectangle for a video screen on YouTube. Draw a circle on the left side of your screen. Make the circle red on the right half, and blue on the left. Add green lines to divide the circle into 6 wedges. Write "This is a weird pizza." in Verdana 12 point font, centered below the circle. Animate one wedge at the top to slide up, float to the right, and land flat like a slice of pizza on a plate. Make it float like a feather. THE ENTIRE ANIMATION should last between 5 seconds and 10 seconds. (Ideally 7 seconds, but do not spend more than 10 min on the animation activity.)
___SAVE YOUR FILE from this experiment. Export it as mp4.

__WHEN YOU KNOW YOUR SCHEDULE, send email to me < eve [at] well [dot] com > with all these elements:
A) Subject line in this format: Phil-VA math animator: (Your name) link to 2D samples
B) In the body of the email, list your name as it is listed in your profile for OnlineJobs.ph AND the name you want me to call you, AND your online name(s) that you use for creating videos and getting paid on PayPal, or EasyPay.
C) You must include links that I can put into my browser, so I can watch your animation examples. Best links go directly to the videos that YOU have created, not to a group website, not to Google Drive. Yes, you should include a link to your 5-min animation experiment -- upload your experiment as a video, maybe on YouTube or on a personal web page.
D) List the times and dates you are available for "gig jobs" using California time and Philippines time. Example: Available CA time 5:00pm-7:00pm Thurs-Fri = Phil. Fri-Sat 8am-10am
E) How much advance notice do you need in advance of a Skype session. For example, can I send email to you on Tuesday to set a time for Wednesday?

I am in California, so 5pm my time is 8am in summer (or 9am in winter) Philippine time. Most work is done in collaboration on shared screen using Skype as I describe the animations you will create. A few hours are done independently by yourself.

Your English can be Intermediate level, but you MUST ask for better instructions if you are confused about what to do. You must make sure you understand the directions, or ask me for clarification.

I will use email or Dropbox to send you some digital files, including the audio lecture and stationary graphics (pdf lesson cards that stay in the background). During our Skype meetings, I give you instructions on what text or graphics should move, and when, so animations match the pre-recorded math lectures.

For example, when the lecture says "One half times three-fourths" you will animate a 1 falling onto the horizontal fraction bar, and the 2 rising to position under the horizontal bar, then a multiplication sign (x) then the 3 falling onto the second fraction bar and the 4 rising up to position under the second bar. When the lecture says "multiply the numerators" you will draw an arrow moving left to right, going through the 1 and the 3, pointing to the numerator at the top of the answer fraction: 3

Yes, I micro-manage. But I am nice, and I speak slowly, I pay by PayPal at the end of each session, and I appreciate your good work to make my math videos exactly correct. THANK YOU!

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